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net2phone Canada Spirit Day Recap

Yes, you heard correctly! We’ve officially rebranded. What was once Versature is now officially net2phone Canada, and that is worthy of a big celebration. After being acquired by net2phone in 2018, we knew that this would be an exciting time coming, not only for our whole staff, but for our awesome partners and clients. To celebrate our new identity (leading up to our launch date of February 8th, 2021), we decided that the best way to engage our remote team was to hold a fun and friendly competition, in the form of a net2phone Canada Spirit Day. One full day of celebrating our new journey and what’s to come, complemented by a list of awesome prizes that could be won by participating in fun and friendly challenges. Granted, with the scope of today’s work environment, this had to be something that our team could enjoy virtually, and did they ever. Here’s a taste of how net2phone Canada kicked off our rebrand.