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Setting You up for Success with the Train the Trainer Method

What is the Train The Trainer Method? Here's how we get you up to speed with SONAR and get your employees feeling comfortable with their new phone system.

One of the things that sets net2phone Canada apart from other VoIP business phone providers is the level of care we have during the provisioning process. When you’re a new customer with net2phone Canada, we ensure your business is set up for success from the beginning, and give you all the tools and training you need. This is why we use the “Train the Trainer” method during the Provisioning process.

The Provisioning Team’s Role

The main goal of the Provisioning team at net2phone Canada is to get customers acquainted with the phone system. Each new client is given a dedicated Onboarding Specialist at net2phone Canada, who is in charge of this process from beginning to end. This Onboarding Specialist works directly with the “implementor” of the phone system at your organization, usually the person who bought the phone system.

Why “Train the Trainer”?

What sets the “Train the Trainer” method of onboarding apart from other methods is that we want you to be the dedicated on-site expert. When you’re knowledgeable about your company’s phone system, you have more control over how the system is set up and are empowered to make changes as required (because who knows your organization better than you?).

This process is great for companies who are in the process of scaling because new employees can be trained on-site by you rather than trying to coordinate additional training sessions with a member of our team or relying solely on print or digital training materials. Other vendors may actually charge extra for training, but at net2phone Canada, we make it all part of the package at no additional cost to ensure your success.

How do we train?

Our main method of training the trainer is through live screen share demonstrations of our Client Portal, SONAR. We go through the entire system and highlight the features that most businesses find key. Since this demo is interactive, we can easily hone in on any specific needs your business has, and focus on the features that you will be using most often.

Not only that, but we supply you with user guides and instructional videos through net2phone Canada Academy on how to use our hardware and software to share with your organization and use for your own internal training. These resources are always being updated and expanded upon.

Making your training successful

What’s great about the Train the Trainer method is that we can customize the training to your needs. Our live screen share demos are very client-guided based on what features you’re interested in, and which we think would be good to know for your situation.

This process is really beneficial when the trainer we’re training is open and wants to learn and be on the call. How well the implementation of your new phone system hinges on how involved you are in the process. The best part is that we can go as fast as you’d like to. If you have everything figured out and are confident about how to use our our client portal in just one hour, great! If you need a few training sessions plus some additional support, that’s great too! We’re here for you to make sure your implementation is successful.