Who Needs Call Data?!
Companies that believe the misconception about how call data is only beneficial to a call centre are missing out on a wealth of information that could ultimately give them their competitive edge. In fact, nearly every department within an organization can find value in call data!
The best organizations acknowledge that their phone system is one of the most powerful tools in their arsenal.
Not only can their call data allow them to gain a holistic view of their customer base, but it also enables them to increase productivity and make smarter business decisions. Companies that believe the misconception about how call data is only beneficial to a call centre are missing out on a wealth of information that could ultimately give them their competitive edge. In fact, nearly every department within an organization can find value in call data. Here are just a few:
Tired of reaching a prospect’s voicemail time after time? Your phone system holds a history of your call data, and can track the number of successful reaches you get by day and time. Analyzing this data will show you the optimal time of day to call a client and actually connect with them.
Your phone system can also assist with internal professional development. Choose a sample of your recorded calls, ones where you had successfully made the sale and ones where your prospect had decided to go a different direction and listen back on these interactions. This will allow you to analyze and pinpoint areas in need of improvement.
If your current phone system gives you access to your call data, you can start leveraging these essential call metrics for your SDRs and sales, right now.
Looking at your organization’s call data is an easy and effective way to monitor your employee’s productivity and help you identify top performers. One metric that management tends to measure a lot is the number of calls made per day. Although this can provide valuable insight, what should really be looked at is the length of time that your employees spend on calls. It’s easy to pump out 50 calls a day, but if your employees are not actively engaging with clients, you won’t be seeing positive results.
Law firms or business consultants often charge an hourly rate for their services. If your company is working with one of these firms, the accounts payable team can verify that they are being billed the correct amount by cross-checking their billing information with the exact time spent on the phone.
Not sure how much to spend on your next advertising campaign? A great way to measure the ROI of your marketing campaign is to add a custom vanity number to the advertisement’s call to action. In doing so, you’ll be able to measure the number of calls that came in as a result of a specific campaign.
Learn how to manage your day better by looking at the average number of incoming calls per time of day. This metric will show you what time of day you are expected to receive the largest amount of incoming calls so you can schedule your additional tasks around this time frame, allowing you to work more productively.
If your call data history is showing that callers are being transferred to different extensions within seconds of reaching the receptionist, it may be valuable to set up an auto attendant. This solution will free up the receptionist’s time as they will no longer be bothered with non-emergent calls and customers will be able to reach their intended point of contact in a faster time.
Customer Service
We’ve all experienced the pain of calling a company with the hopes of quickly resolving an issue and ending up spending 15 minutes on hold listening to bad elevator music on the other line.
To make matters worse, you have to explain your situation multiple times as you’re being transferred to different agents.
Eventually, resolving this small issue takes up a large chunk of your time, a hefty amount of call minutes and you’re left even less satisfied than you were before the call was even made.
Don’t be this guy!
There are so many metrics that a customer service team can use to ensure they are providing a quality customer experience. Look at your team’s average answer speed, missed calls per agent, average wait time in the queue, and abandoned call numbers.
If these metrics are too high for your standards, arm yourself with the resources to answer incoming calls by hiring an extra representative during your busiest hours.
If your call data shows that your customer service team is spending a longer time on the phone than they historically have, it may indicate that your customers are experiencing more complex problems with your product or service. Listening back on these call recordings can help identify the most common issues that your customers are experiencing so you can be best prepared for questions.
All of your call data is conveniently located on your net2phone Canada Client Portal. Request a demo with a net2phone Canada Product Expert to learn the ins and outs of your SONAR Portal and get the most out of your phone solutions.