10 Professional Voicemail Greetings For Your Business Needs
Written by: Shital Patel
Take the guesswork out of updating your voicemail message with these 10 winning scripts.
You invest time, resources and money into developing your customer experience, but you may have overlooked a simple but effective feature: your voicemail greeting. You can create a positive and helpful experience by updating your voicemail message and making it as informative and valuable as possible. After all, a lack of communication can result in lost sales, disgruntled customers and an overall poor brand image, which no one wants!
Try to anticipate your callers' needs, like why they’re calling and give them the specific information they may be looking for. For example, if your business is in property management, include an emergency contact number.
Ensure your greeting is short, simple, professional and to the point.
Show off your brand's personality. If your organization’s brand voice is humorous and outgoing, incorporate a funny voicemail greeting. On the other hand, if you work in a more serious or conservative industry, it’s best to maintain the same tone.
Related: What is VoIP?

Short messages between 10 and 30 seconds will ensure that your caller stays on the line long enough to get the information they need. This is part of caring for your callers and offering a good customer experience.
There are a few things you should include in your voice message greeting.
A greeting.
Your name.
Your company.
Thank them for the call or apologize for missing the call.
A simple explanation of why you’re missing the call.
Information your caller may be looking for - like an update on their order status.
An approximate timeframe for when you will reply.
A call to action - such as asking your callers to leave a message or contact you through another method.

Not sure how to create a professional voice message greetings? Whether a large organization or a small business, here are 10 script examples that you can customize with your own personality and inspire customers to leave a message.
As much as you probably want to work at these fictional companies, make sure to replace the company name and information with yours.
(1) Front Office: Thank you for calling Stark Industries. We’re currently open but all of our superheroes are busy saving the world and are unable to take your call. Please leave your name and number, and we’ll return your call as soon as possible.
(2) Personal: Hi, you’ve reached Ryan Howard, Salesman at the Micheal Scott Paper Company. I’m currently not available, and I apologize for the inconvenience. If you leave your name, phone number, and a short message, I'll get back to you as soon as I’ve put out this fire.
Related: 5 Messages You Need to Include in Your Auto-Attendant
(3) Front Office: You have reached Pawnee’s Parks and Recreation Department outside of our regular office hours. If you would like more information, please visit our website at PawneeParksandRec. com. Our opening hours are Monday through Friday between 9 am to 5 pm EST. Please leave a message with your name, phone number, and the reason for your call and a member of our staff will get back to you on the following business day.
(4) Personal: Hi there, this is Bill Lumbergh at Initech, you’ve reached me outside of our regular business hours Monday through Friday, 9 am to 5 pm. Please leave your name, number and a brief message after the tone. I'll return your call the following business day unless I've got a case of the Mondays.
net2phone Canada Pro Tip: Using time of day rules or time frames you can give one voicemail message during working hours and one specific to after hours.
(5) Thanks for your call. Tobias Funke, Personal Assistant at Bluth Company is out of the office until March 22. Please leave your name, number, and the reason for your call, and he will get back to you as soon as possible. For urgent inquiries, please contact Kitty Sanchez at extension 547. Thank you.
net2phone Canada Pro Tip - Want to keep up with work while away? Get your voicemails transcribed and sent to your email address or phone number with SONAR.
(6) Greetings from Vandelay Industries. At this time, our offices are closed to celebrate Festivus. We will reopen on December 27 at 9 AM. For more information, please visit our website at Vandelayindustries. com or leave a message with your name, number and reason for your call. A member of our team will get back to you upon our return.
Related: 3 Friendly Holiday Out-of-Office Phone Scripts - Pick one!
(7) Hello, you have reached the Scare Floor at Monsters Inc. We are sorry we’re not able to take your call right now. Please leave your name, contact information, and the reason for your call. A member of our monster team will contact you as soon as possible.
net2phone Canada Pro Tip: If the department is in a call queue, SONAR allows you to have voicemail within a call queue, or as part of answering rules to support after-hours calling
(8) Thank you for calling Ollivander's Wand Shop we’re either assisting other wizards and witches or busy preparing for our back-to-school sale. Visit olivandersdiagonalley. com for more details. Please leave us a detailed message, and we’ll call you back as soon as possible. Thank you
net2phone Canada Pro Tip: If you want the opportunity to persistently promote your product or service you can use the "Intro Greeting" within your Auto Attendant.
(9) You have reached Hawkins National Laboratory outside of our business hours; we will reopen at 11 am on the next business day. If you have an emergency relating to the "upside-down" and require immediate assistance, please contact our emergency line at 317 781 6791. For all other inquiries, please leave your name, phone number and reason for calling, and a member of our staff will return your call as soon as possible. Thank you.
(10) Hi-Diddily-Ho! We appreciate your call to The Leftorium. Please note, that our Springfield Mall location store is moving to Heavenly Hills Mall as of July 7th. We will continue operating between 9 am to 6 pm EST Monday to Saturday. Please leave your name and number, and we will return your call within one business day.
When you want to show a professional image, give your callers pertinent information and attend to them after hours, a great voicemail greeting is essential. Keeping your customer's happy means ensuring you don't miss out on any potential sales.
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About the Author
Shital Patel | Digital Marketing & Content Specialist
Adventure seeking Shital loves bright colors, wildlife and all things travel. She’s constantly forgetting to water her growing collection of plants, but always on top of finding the best stories about our ever-changing industry. Whether it’s VoIP, business, communication or tech, she strives to give readers the most helpful information. Being passionate about communication, Shital appreciates how net2phone Canada is helping businesses across the country better connect with their customers.