The Dos and Don’ts of SIP Trunking
As with upgrading to any web-based technology, a degree of care and configuration needs to be taken to ensure your business is being set up for success. Here are some “do’s” and “don'ts” to be aware of when considering the switch:
Session Initiation Protocol (SIP Trunking) is a digital alternative to traditional cable and wire methods of managing multiple phone lines. Organizations across the world are switching to SIP Trunking for the many benefits including cost savings, increased flexibility, and the ability to scale quickly. While businesses are eager to profit from these benefits, the decision to switch to SIP trunking shouldn’t be hastily made. As with upgrading to any web-based technology, a degree of care and configuration needs to be taken to ensure your business is being set up for success. Here are some “do’s” and “don'ts” to be aware of when considering the switch:
Determine the Number of Channels Needed Beforehand
SIP trunks are sold in channels – with a channel considered as one outgoing or incoming call. Most organizations require one channel per every 3-4 team members, depending on the nature of the organization and the expected volume of calls.
Ensure You Have Sufficient Bandwidth
It is important that your business has the necessary infrastructure to support quality phone calls as SIP trunking shares the same network environment as your other business functions. Before deploying a solution, factor in the bandwidth requirements for trunking as part of your overall internet usage. As a general rule of thumb, the faster your connection, the better quality connection you’ll have.
Deploy a Solution With International Calling
SIP trunking is a popular communications tool for organizations that carry multiple phones but have much capacity like hotels, embassies, or resorts. If this is your use case, ensure your SIP plan includes an uncapped number of overseas calls. When searching for a SIP provider, ensure that international calling is charged at a fixed rate.
Your Research
You do not have to be an IT expert or MSP to deploy SIP trunks. However, the more knowledge you have on the topic, the less susceptible you’ll be to signing onto unnecessary services. Do some research and reach out to providers to see what type of communications solution will best serve your business needs.
Secure Your System
As with any tool or software that crosses the public internet, you need to ensure your SIP trunks are secure. Each session should be protected by a password which authenticates users to the SIP provider.
Get Locked Into A Fixed Contract
One of the biggest benefits to SIP trunking is the ability to scale your service up or down! Make sure your provider allows you to add or remove channels at your discretion.
Pay For Unnecessary Costs
Time and time again, we hear horror stories from business owners who were charged an absurd amount for features that should have been disclosed within the contract. Initial setting up, monthly subscription fees, international calling tariffs, and any other fees or taxes should be clearly spelled out in your contract.
Sacrifice Quality for Price
This is a common mistake that organizations make! Business owners hear that SIP trunking can save them overhead costs and they want to ensure they get the best possible price. You should definitely shop around and negotiate the best deal for your business. However, do not sacrifice quality or else you’ll be stuck paying for a service where you’ll be suffering from poor call quality. Cutting corners will result in headaches later on.
Versature delivers the most scalable and reliable SIP Trunk connections to your PBX system. Think a SIP Trunk is the perfect solution for your business? Explore Versature’s SIP Trunk offering today!
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