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Desk Phone vs. Mobile. Which is better for my business?

While we have seen amazing advancements in mobile communication, traditional desk phones offer the best calling experience.

While the widespread adoption of smartphones and online messenger services has certainly provided small business owners with more mediums of connecting to clients, relying on a mobile device for all business communications can ultimately become obstructive. While mobile devices offer obvious benefits like flexibility and low costs, they also prevent organizations from growing. Inclusive features, innovations, and superior voice quality make VoIP solutions the top phone service choice for growing Canadian businesses. While we have seen amazing advancements in mobile communication, traditional desk phones offer the best calling experience, with easy-to-use hardware and embedded audio technologies. Desk phones are specifically engineered for high-quality voice and audio transmission, and the difference is noticeable.

If you don’t believe us, ask yourself these questions:

  • Am I planning for my business to grow in the next 2 years?
  • Is client success and engagement important to my organization?
  • Can data generated on clients and team performance be valuable to my business?
  • Does my business need to have international reach?
  • Will my physical mobile device become redundant with the launch of new models?
  • Does my mobile device give faulty service or have frequent battery issues?

If you answered yes to two or more of the above questions, then a desk phone is the right solution for you. Here’s why:

Brand Identity

Think of those radio ad jingles that you hear on repeat on your commute to work. Can you recite one of those phone numbers by heart (Pizza Pizza, anyone)? An organization’s phone number is a critical component of its brand identity. If you plan on expanding beyond a one-man operation, promoting multiple phone numbers will result in a very disjointed solution. It becomes especially tricky when an employee moves on, and your clients are unable to reach your company.


If you peruse the settings in your smartphone, you can discover just how many hours a day are wasted on social media tools and gaming apps. What starts as a quick phone call can ultimately turn into a prolonged period of text messaging, email checks, and maybe a game or two of candy crush. By providing your workforce with a desk phone, you can cut back on wasted time.

VoIP phones come pre-provisioned with features and integrations engineered to improve day-to-day productivity. From call control applications that boost internal collaboration to data analytics tools that pinpoint unoptimized areas of operational efficiencies, your organization is given the communication tools to achieve high-performance.

Client Engagement

Businesses need a centralized communications system: a phone number for leads to call into, the ability for employees to transfer calls from one extension to the next, and a quality voice connection to converse without disruptions.


There’s a distinct difference between removing desk phone hardware from your office and removing a business phone system altogether. One-the-go business owners can leverage all of the VoIP features while maintaining their flexibility through mobile apps, which come standard in most VoIP packages. In the frequent case where cell phone batteries die, or devices get lost, business owners will still have access to their business phone lines and the security of their organization’s call data is not compromised. Desk phones come with much less risk!